Thursday, 22 February 2007

My Bumpy Ninjutsu experience

I studied Judo while I was in primary and high school in the 1960s

In the 1980s I became aware that ninjutsu was being taught in Sydney. So I trained at the Wayne Roy dojo at Central, and enjoyed myself, till they moved to the North Shore.

I found someone teaching ninjutsu closer to home, he had splintered off from Wayne Roy and was a good teacher. I continued there till I broke my knee during training in the middle of the 90s. The fellow who ran the dojos didn't even ring to see how I was, even though I sustained the injury during one of his classes. I returned for a couple of classes but no longer felt comfortable there.

I had a short break and then studied Judo again for a short time. After a big change in my life I stopped training.

In 2001 I e mailed all dojos in Sydney with web pages that I could find. I did not receive one reply!

Recently I've had another health scare and my lover and medical adviser agree I should take up martial arts again. It is difficult to attended classes in the evening or on weekends, for family reasons and because of my health and previous injuries I think private lessons would be best.

However after speaking to a number of teachers I will probably look into a small evening class.

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We put the "k" in "kwality"

Stephen's Snaps

This week Truk photos.

Simply nice photos, Landscape, Seascape, Underwater, The Northern Beaches Sydney.