Saturday, 31 March 2007

On Thursday I had my second lesson at Lindfield.

I enjoyed myself and I even found myself a little too relaxed on a couple of occasions. It was all taijutsu and I am a little sore in a couple of places, nothing to worry about.

Yesterday morning we helped a friend clean the bottom of his boat. Afterwards my lover offered to help me off with my suit, we have done this for each other many many times. I turned my back towards her and immediately started thinking of the next step, breaking down the SCUBA gear and packing it in the car. Yes within a minute I had forgotten she was helping me with my suit.

I felt the pressure on both my shoulders as she pulled the suit down to my arms. I reacted instinctively and moved back with the pressure and stood on her foot.

That's when I realized who it was and what she was doing. Luckily she's very understanding, though limping slightly!

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" Facts are stupid things. -Ronald Reagan "

Stephen's Snaps

This week Truk photos.

Simply nice photos, Landscape, Seascape, Underwater, The Northern Beaches Sydney.

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